(Judul artikel maksimal 15 kata, judul artikel harus spesifik, efektif, ringkas dan dapat melukis makalah dengan jelas)


(The article title must be a maximum of 15 words. The article title must be specific, effective, concise, and can describe the paper clearly.)

Full Name of Author1, Author2*, Author3, and …

(Font times New Roman - 10, Centered & Bold)

(Nama tidak boleh disingkat, Penulis koreponden diberi tanda khusus “*” )

1Name Prodi, Fakultas, Perguruan Tinggi, Email :

2Name Prodi, Fakultas, Perguruan Tinggi, Email :

3Name Prodi, Fakultas, Perguruan Tinggi, Email :


*email Koresponden:


Please write your abstract in English using this format (Times New Roman, 11). The abstract consists of brief introduction (background & methodology), result and discussion, and conclusion. The abstract should be written in one paragraph containing up to 250 words. Keywords should be written alphabetically, placed under this abstract, and separated by 1 (one) space. Use not more than five keywords.

 Keywords: minimum 3 words, maximum 5 words, that are important, specific, or representative of the article


Tulislah abstrak Bahasa Indonesia anda dengan format ini (Times New Roman,11). Abstrak mengandung pendahuluan (latar belakang dan tujuan), metologi penelitian, pembahasan dan kesimpulan. Abstrak ditulis dalam 1 paragraf yang mengandung maksimal 250 kata. Kata kunci untuk abstrak disusun secara alfabetis, diletakkan di bawah abstrak dengan diberi jeda 1 (satu) spasi. Harap menggunakan tidak lebih dari 5 kata kunci.

 Kata Kunci : minimum 3 kata, maksimum 5 kata yang spesifik dan representatif untuk artikel. Tiap kata dipisahkan dengan tanda koma


 It contains the background of the research conducted, and the sentences are short, concise, and clear. This introduction also includes the research objectives written at the end of the paragraph. When writing sources in the text need to indicate the author's name, year of publication, and the page where the manuscript is located. The problems and objectives, as well as the usefulness of the research, are written narratively in paragraphs, no special subtitles are needed. This article must refer to previous research or the reasons for this research. The introduction is written in Times New Roman-12 font, with 1.15 spacing. Each paragraph begins with a word that is indented about 1.25 cm from the left edge of each column.


 The research method section contains materials and tools, research location, description of the problem or reason for the research, data collection methods/ways (survey or experimental design), and data analysis. The analysis or test parameters must be based on analysis references. The research method is written in Times New Roman-12 font, with 1.15 spacing. Each paragraph begins with a word that is indented about 1.25 cm from the left edge of each column.

Sub-bab (optional, left navigation and bold)


 This section contains the presentation of the results, data analysis, and discussion from the author. The discussion contains the meaning of the results and comparisons with theories and/or similar research results. The research results can be supplemented with tables, figures, and/or charts. This research article has a minimum of 10 references with a period of 10 years from the year the article was submitted, (Roce et al., 2024). The table title is written in left and right alignment-bold-11, the text of the contents in the table is Times New Roman-10, the figure is written in the center-bold-11 and all words begin with a capital letter, except for conjunctions. The results and discussion are written in Times New Roman-12 font, with 1.15 spacing. Each paragraph begins with a word that is indented about 1.25 cm from the left edge of each column.


The conclusion section contains the meaning of the research results, answers to the hypothesis or research objectives, does not repeat the abstract, and the conclusion is not a summary of the results of the experiment. If the author has suggestions for further research, they can be written in this section. The conclusion is presented in paragraph form with Times New Roman-12 font, 1.15 spacing. Each paragraph begins with a word that is indented about 1.25 cm from the left edge of each column.


(when needed)

Can be used to mention the sources of funding for research whose results are reported in this journal and to provide awards to several institutions.


The reference list contains sources in the form of books, research articles in journals, or research reports (including undergraduate theses, theses, and dissertations). Reference sources referred to in the article must be in the reference list and vice versa. The reference bibliography is arranged alphabetically following APA 6th edition with Times New Roman-12 font, Hanging 1.25 cm, Spacing before 3 pt and after 3 pt with line spacing at least 12. It is highly recommended to use a reference manager application such as MENDELEY.

Dari buku teks:

Prihandana R., Hendroko R. & Nuramin M. (2006). Menghasilkan Biodiesel Murah Mengatasi Polusi dan Kelangkaan BBM. Jakarta: PT. Agromedia Pustaka.

Dari buku teks tidak ada nama pengarang.

Computer Graphics Inter-Facing. (1996). 3rd. Modern Technology Corporation. Minneapolis

Dari skripsi/tesis/desertasi

Handayani, S. P. (2010). Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Minyak Ikan dengan Radiasi Gelombang Mikro. (Skripsi, Universitas Sebelas Maret)

Dari Jurnal:

Berchmans, H. J. & Hirata, S. (2007). Biodiesel Production from Crude Jatropha Curcas L. Seed Oil with a High Content of Free Fatty Acids. Bioresource Technology, 99, 1716-1721.

Okamura, M., Takagaki, A., Toda, M., Kondo, J. N., Domen, K., Tatsumi, T., Hara, M., Hayashi, S. (2006). Acid-Catalyzed Reaction on Flexible Polycyclic Aromatic Carbon in Amorphous Carbon. Chem. Mater, 18, 3030-3045.

Dari jurnal online :

Birbeck, D & Dummond, M. (2006). Very Young Children’s Body Image: Bodies and Minds Under Construction. International Education Journal, 7(4). dilihat 12 Desember 2006.

Dari kumpulan abstrak penelitian atau proceeding:

Paidi. (2008). Urgensi pengembangan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan metakog-nitif siswa SMA melalui pembelajaran biologi. Prosiding, Seminar dan Musyawarah Nasional MIPA yang diselenggarakan oleh FMIPA UNY, tanggal 30 Mei 2008. Yogyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.