ROCE Applied Agriculture Journal implements a Double Blind Peer-Review policy, every manuscript received will go through a review process by the Editor and reviewer, using the Double Blind Peer-Review policy, namely the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer.
ROCE Applied Agriculture Journal implements a Double Blind Peer-Review policy, every manuscript received will be sent to the Reviewer registered in ROCE Applied Agriculture Journal. The review process lasts a maximum of 30 (thirty) days with a time allocation given to each reviewer to complete the review process of a maximum of ten (10) working days. If the previously appointed peer reviewer cannot complete the review work within the specified time limit, the Chairperson of the Editorial Board will appoint a replacement Reviewer to review the manuscript.
In the review process, the reviewer provides consideration regarding the suitability between the title, abstract, introduction, discussion (results) and conclusion. In addition, reviewers also provide considerations related to novelty, scientific impact, and references used
Review Process:
1. Authors submit manuscripts
2. Editor's Evaluation [some manuscripts are rejected or returned before the review process]
3. Double-blind peer review process
4. Editor's Decision (Accept Manuscript, Revise as Needed, Resubmit for Review, Reject Manuscript)
5. Confirmation to the author
The final decision on article acceptance will be made by the Editor based on reviewer comments. Publication of accepted articles including the order of articles published will be made by the Editor-in-Chief considering the order of receipt date and geographical distribution of authors.