Analysis of the Antioxidant and Anticancer Bioactivity of Gamal Plants with Basic In Silico Methods



  • Dodi Iskandar Politeknik Negeri Pontianak Author


antioxidant, anticancer, Gliricidiasepium, in silico


In silico research has been carried out to analyze the antioxidant and anticancer bioactivity of the Gliricidiasepium plant. The software used includes knapsackfamily, pubchem, chemdraw, swissadme, passonline and MS excel. The result is that all compounds in the Gliricidia sepium plant have antioxidant and anticancer probability values ​​above 0.500. Sepinol has the highest probability value of 0.873 for antioxidant, 0.869 for free radical scavenger, 0.784 for anticarcinogenic and 0.745 for chemopreventive. As for TP53, the strongest expression enhancer is robinetin with a probability value of 0.920.


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Author Biography

  • Dodi Iskandar, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

    Integrated Plantation Product Processing, Agricultural Technology, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak


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Singh, N., Vayer, P., Tanwar, S., Poyet, J.-L., Tsaioun, K., & Villoutreix, B. O. (2023). Drug discovery and development: introduction to the general public and patient groups. Frontiers in Drug Discovery, 3.

Alamu, E., Adesokan, M., Fawole, S., Maziya-Dixon, B., Mehreteab, T., & Chikoye, D. (2023). Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp Applications for Enhancing Soil Fertility and Crop Nutritional Qualities: A Review. Forests, 14, 635.

Ambrosino, L., Tangherlini, M., Colantuono, C., Esposito, A., Sangiovanni, M., Miralto, M., Sansone, C., & Chiusano, M. L. (2019). Bioinformatics for Marine Products: An Overview of Resources, Bottlenecks, and Perspectives. In Marine Drugs (Vol. 17, Issue 10).

Bhandari, A., Kalotra, S., Bajaj, P., Sunkaria, A., & Kaur, G. (2022). Dietary intervention with Tinospora cordifolia improved aging-related decline in locomotor coordination and cerebellar cell survival and plasticity in female rats. Biogerontology, 23(6), 809–824.

Christina, Y., Nafisah, W., Fitri Atho’illah, M., Rifa’i, M., Widodo, N., Djati, M., & Garrido, G. (2021). Anti-breast cancer potential activity of Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl. leaf extract through in silico studies. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research, 9, 824–845.

Daina, A., Michielin, O., & Zoete, V. (2017). SwissADME: a free web tool to evaluate pharmacokinetics, drug-likeness and medicinal chemistry friendliness of small molecules. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 42717.

Iskandar, D., Widodo, N., Warsito, W., Masruri, M., Rollando, R., Warsidah, W., & Antang, Y. P. P. (2022). Proposed Functional Activity of Bioactive Compounds from Spatholobus littoralis Hassk in LC-MS-MS and Silico Studies. Materials Science Forum, 1061, 181–186.

Khairunanissa Khairunanissa, Akhmad Rizali, N. K. (2019). Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair Daun Gamal Menggunakan Trichoderma Harzianum Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Terung Ungu. Agroekotek View, 2(3), 24–29.

Kim, S., Chen, J., Cheng, T., Gindulyte, A., He, J., He, S., Li, Q., Shoemaker, B. A., Thiessen, P. A., Yu, B., Zaslavsky, L., Zhang, J., & Bolton, E. E. (2021). PubChem in 2021: new data content and improved web interfaces. Nucleic Acids Research, 49(D1), D1388–D1395.

Krasnov, A., Barnabas, S. J., Boehme, T., Boyer, S. K., & Weber, L. (2024). Comparing software tools for optical chemical structure recognition. Digital Discovery.

Limpo, S. Y. (2020). Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Republik Indonesia.

Nakamura, Y., Mochamad Afendi, F., Kawsar Parvin, A., Ono, N., Tanaka, K., Hirai Morita, A., Sato, T., Sugiura, T., Altaf-Ul-Amin, M., & Kanaya, S. (2014). KNApSAcK Metabolite Activity Database for Retrieving the Relationships Between Metabolites and Biological Activities. Plant and Cell Physiology, 55(1), e7–e7.

Nartey, E., Addai, F., Arthur, S., & Bawah, E. (2023). Effect of Gliricidia Sepium Leafy Biomass And Npk (15:15:15) Fertiliser On The Growth And Yield Of Tomato, Solanum Lycopersicum (L.). Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment, 56, 273–288.

Oviyanti, Fitri ; Syarifah, S. H., & Nurul. (2016). Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Daun Gamal (Gliricidia Sepium (Jacq.) Kunth Ex Walp.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.). Jurnal Biota, 2(1), 61–67.

Purna Singh, A., Vadakedath, S., & Kandi, V. (2023). Clinical Research: A Review of Study Designs, Hypotheses, Errors, Sampling Types, Ethics, and Informed Consent. Cureus, 15(1), e33374.

Singh, N., Vayer, P., Tanwar, S., Poyet, J.-L., Tsaioun, K., & Villoutreix, B. O. (2023). Drug discovery and development: introduction to the general public and patient groups. Frontiers in Drug Discovery, 3.




How to Cite

Analysis of the Antioxidant and Anticancer Bioactivity of Gamal Plants with Basic In Silico Methods: ANALISIS BIOAKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN DAN ANTIKANKERTANAMAN GAMAL METODE IN SILICO DASAR. (2024). ROCE : Jurnal Pertanian Terapan, 1(2).

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